Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ready for DU30 or Santiago or go for Poe?

Been seeing lots of political opinion online.

And Duterte top's it all. so far I understand that certain people are not fond of his way of death threath to all criminal offenders. I, on the other hand don't see the benefits of having them in our society. 

Most people are in favor of him, given the strong support online and in public. The reason of this is known to us, rooted on the rise of criminal rate in the country. I could see that each one of us has her own story of being unfairly mistreated. Either by our environment (the offensive system being implemented) or authorities. 

Have you ever tried wearing your gold accessories in Quiapo or Divisoria? I believe you'll say, 'Are you insane?' or Do you want to die early? Well, it just show that you've already aware that criminal rates are prone on this type of area even there's a Police post nearby. This is of course be accounted to the failure of our authorities. Sad life.

Instead of enjoying freely having your gold accessories or your smart phone, walking on the street. Its impossible. Your freewill has been restricted. You know the danger it could cost henceforth, you don't show your vulnerability with your beloved hard earned things.

Another, scenario. What would be the sanction for those prisoners who after an inspection of their cells caught dangerous prohibited items? Note that their already in prison under reclusion perpetua. 

And no doubt Miriam Defensor-Santiago is well groomed as the President with all her intelligence but we have too much crimes that people want an immediate answer.

What if in the Philippines upon having Duterte as our President there's no drug addicts, Snatchers, Rapist and Corruption. Your safety is guaranteed. You can go out at night past 3 or 4am without harm. Benefits for the poor goes straight to them because corrupt people has been eliminated. He'll increase the gross salary income of Filipino's. He'll support growth of infrastracture. 

Think about it. All the nasty things will be gone. We have too much of the bad. We have been wasting our lives keeping them. 

Now, think about all this things and let me know if you as a citizen will benefit to those? Your family. Yourself. The country. The economy. Its fair and square.



Let's also discuss the other side of the coin. Its true that there are consequences to every action.
Cursing/swearing, unsolicited insults, public display of being womanizer, barbaric threats and proudly announcing of killing individuals. Its true that by accepting this we compromise our morality in a level that will change our behavior. Its absurd to say that 'that is really his nature, and we must accept it if we want change', I dont think so. The Presidency has its own pre-determined requirements, it will not adjust itself to the person who aspire to seat on it. He/She could make his/her own style but the stature would still be the same. What worries me more is the effect of its influence, if this person justifies killing/swearing then its not impossible that this could provoke individuals to do it on their own hand.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Man's Search Of Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Today, while heading to the office. I was sad to reach the end of page of Viktor Frankl's book, Man's in Search of meaning.

You could claim that you are lucky having been born after the second world war, wherein the Nazi's euthanasia are spreadly being upheld in the European countries. Those nearby the borders of Germany have been greatly inflicted and the unfortunate Jews during its time. Profoundly, it emerged to know Viktor who have rose inspite of tremendous suffering a person could ever have. This book explain how can a person still grasp life, how oneself search meaning in the most dredging environment.

That although this unimaginable experiences are being overthrown to those war prisoners, they have the freedom to preserve and show their choice of action. Choice of attitude toward the treatment they suffer.
To make use of it (pain) as pleasure to be human. 

The experiences of camp life
show that man does have a choice of action.... Man can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom, of independence of mind, even in such terrible conditions of psychic and physical stress

The every physical thing can be taken to a man but not the option to one's attitude.

.... (Its a) proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.

Viktor held captive for 3 years in the concentration camp in Aushwvitz. Its a battle of life and death to get through a day. They grew thinner, as if they are already dead man breathing plain air. Fed a pinch of bread and a cup of soup, there was no toothbrush, sanitary even their clothes takes half to a year count before it could be replaced by similarly worn out rag. 

Each day they are being awaken at 5am to do a slave work. All that is not willing to follow nor show a weakling state will be send directly to gas chamber. He see the state of people, his comrades. How they look forward to the past and future to get salvation that all that is happening will all cease. 

They took happiness by the scenery, the breathaking sunrise, the images of their wives and the people that is very dear to them.

With this experiences, Dr. Viktor, introduces the third school of Viennese school of Psychology-- Logotheraphy.

Logotherapy is....

focuses on the meaning of human existence as well as on man's
search for such a meaning. 

According to logotherapy, this striving to find a meaning in one's life is the primary motivational force in man. "

I would recommend this book to those who are lacking in meaning. Deepness of though for standing with life and looking forward to your purpose of what you can do with your time. The hope of positive future. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Book Review: The Road Less Travelled by Dr. Scott Peck

I've been reading excessively since I came abroad but was never had the time to make a review for my blog-readers. Hence, from today on wards I've promised to make my own output on all the future books I have been reading. This is my second attempt now and you'll expect more in succeding days. Its unfortunate that from all the precious books I've read before it is only recent that I'm making this 'treasure review' for everyone.

So, with this The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck. Most Psychology student could benefit from this as certain wording and labelling came from core Psychology. He provide terms for certain behavior, explaining the essence and effect of acts in a whole therapy. 

The most highlighted learning from him is the definition of Love. 

'Love for him is all about effort. And that if we love something it is of value of us, and if something is of value to us we spend time with it, time enjoying it and time taking care of this.'

That the quality of time parents devote to their children indicate the degree to which they are valued by their parents. Meaning to say, you could perceive the  value of yourself to that person by the response and attention he/she is giving to you. 

'And that this feeling of being valuable is a corner stone of self dicipline. Because when one considers oneself valuable one will take care of oneself in all ways that necessary'~S.Peck

He also tackled that problems do not just go away. It should be dealt with or else it remains, and forever a barrier to the growth and development of your spirit.

The half of its discusses behavior and delayed gratification. Stating that choosing to suffer now in the hope of future gratification.

But if your the type of person whom not so fond of spiritual phenomenon and irritated on seeing divine explanation of events. Then, I must warn you to stop in the middle of it. He would inject god from time to time as another door of consideration. He provide the grace of openess to this factor as the foundation of his way of therapy. That there are certain patients whom successfuly gained their sanity by letting go of spiritual being and others benefited on accepting the divine grace in their own unique case.

He futher annotated that the reason people lie is to avoid the pain of challenge and its consequences.

All in all its a great book of wisdom. At the end of it you'll learn that in order to grow you must have the discipline and courage to endure pain. This is the process of development, pain and suffering is always the first obstacle we have to face. We should not be hindered by this natural cycle of being. There are people that on their entire life have been avoiding pain and wondered why they haven't develop the way that they've wanted. 
I'll rate this 7 from 10.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Talk To Yourself to get an expert advise

At 15th of November I am feeling all empty. I tried to fill in my thoughts by watching a movie but Ut didn't help at all. There are times when I feel so great like I can do all the things I want but there's also this mellow moment where emptiness strike you unconsiously.

The news on TV with the terrorist attacked in Paris has been uproaring. Most of my Fb friends changed their photos in support of it but I still don't felt the trend to follow them because it seems death is inevitable to everyone.

I have been searching online on the masters I would like to take after working abroad. It cost 50k for a semester and seems it will take me more years to be a slave. 

Been asking myself, what is it that I want. What should I do with my precious life? Does all the great people I've read on the books has this kind of scenario. Have they been struck by emptiness? Does those prominent have dark moments and couldn't get into the reality of things. 

There's too much questions on my head right now. Its like terrorist are on going. It doesn't feel safe and I'm trying to figure out how could I help the world. I'm always in confident that I'm gonna make history with my name. I want to make something out of me, not the usual routine of human being. I know that death will be coming after me but before that happens I want to laught at it that I made my great share to for the rest of the people whom will live after me.

I think about those who I will left. Its insane that at this age of 23 I'm talking of this crazy stuff. Some of my similar age are maybe currently in love, pregnant, in their start of career, clueless, sleeping, looking forward to their dates, spending their salaries, or waiting for their favorite concert. 

Tomorrow, I'm gonna go back again to being slave. Its not literally slave like the previous centuries where you stay in a muddy place and then  harvesting for the landowners. Its 2015 so at least things have changed, but the system goes on. You maybe wear professional attire but the usual slavery of human goes on. You work for the food you eat. You spend life trying to fix problems of human beings. Well, some find great happiness with that but me I am not sure. It pays my bill but I dont live for the bills.

What is it with my life? I kept on questioning the entire thing around it. What? Maybe, I still need to figure out, the reason I am struggling still is that I am limited of information. I cannot explain nor understand what I want to get out of myself. Its not money at all, I know. I don't know where to start or have I come far already? 

I always make a reference to those that ahead of me. Those prominent people. Those that have been long gone and forgotten. What have they contributed when theyre on my age? Have they have this same scenarion at 2am, asking a lot of stuff? 

What is it that I seek? What is it that you seek? What do you continue to do what you do? Some people get satisfaction by the exchange of their hardwork. I am too but that is too shallow for me. There's deeper reason I want to get out of life?

It seems I want to start something. I want to try everything. I want to enroll into this, try this and that. Is it a crisis? Well, if a Psychiatrist would read this, there would be a bunch of labellings he/she will pour in. I refuse to be boxed out by those people. They too have their own crises. 

All I can say, its a relief to fire squad lots of questions. I am putting this into words so that maybe in a year or in few days I get to see the progress of my mindset. To know whats bothering me and why I am awake at 2am. This information are raw out of my head.

I guess, my human body needs a rest. I still have work tomorrow. The routine goes on but I'm making a way to break this. I must engage into something I like. The most interested job I want is to talk to people. Hundreds of people. A speaker maybe. Anything related to talking. 

Oh I remember a phrase, it says 'of course, you gotta talk to yourself sometimes... So you can get an expert advise'.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Negative Environment Create Negative People

The usual Thursday today isn't as pleasant as the previous effort that we have always expected. 

Stress and irration came from the internal corridors of our office. Although, those who contributed this great distress weren't presently seen. They inject our environment with their personal negativity. The working area isnt condusive to produce progress and enthusiam. Respect for individuality has been forgotten.

And then there's this person who as if she knows the whole facets of business will blame you for the distress she have openly accepted to digest. Its as if when she's stress  you to whose adjacent to her must feel the same agony she's into. She'll give you all that negativity for her satisfaction and convienience. 

The most unacceptable was the unsolicited blaming of things. Like I am responsible for her own distress. She must really have that 'severe characteristic disorder' which was defined by Dr. Peck. After she bombarded you with her subconscious hatred she'll then asked you to work hard and make progress. I don't see someone after being treated unfairly would excel on her job which would benefit not the person but the one who scandalously shattered on firing her own delusional claims. 

When you treat someone without respect do not overwhelmed yourself to receive praise. Instead take out your natural thicked face because you'll definitely gonna get a counter attack of much worse shaming.

You dont contribute enthusiasm and growth by being the source of the problem. You don't encourage people by your usage of blame. That is the most cowardly act a high ranking position could resort.
You'll maybe in power for now but people will dessert you. There's always a duration of time that you'll be able to influence them then after a while they'll get tired of you too. 

My observation has never meant to destruct, its the learning of this kind of people that we'll be able to avoid or somehow assist on their internal neurosis. Lets also consider ourself if this type of environment is ideal to our own growth. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Beauty of Death

Take death as your guiding path. We're all gonna go through this phase. Therefore, if you want to waste your time partying or drinking or acquiring inanimate object, you have the free will to do it. Otherwise, make your life a reason of growth for your own and someone else.

The beauty of death is by looking at it as our road map. We never value our time unless we are being given a shocking ultimatum. It is as if we are exempted and death will never occur to us. We should acknowledge this fact on our decision. You'll realize that things go fast in a snap. Let's not have the notion of selfishness of enjoyment but looking after those that we love that will be left when we are gone. Let's give them more opportunity of growth. ~my thoughts at 1122PM

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Book Review: Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Book Review for Meditation - 
Marcus Aurelius

Well, I just finished again another great book and I've decided to make a short review of it as why one must read and appreciate its contents. Its a short one with around 166 pages.

The meditation of Marcus goes back to the centuries where the existence of beings are narrated according to the desire of nature.
We are created in this world because we have our roles to potray. We are all actors in real life. 

He shared insights of the people on his time. The characteristics he observed with the leaders of high position as they deal with the circumstances of life and their people.

He shared that we have the power to free ourself on the opinion of others. 

"You can rid yourself of many useless things among those that disturb you, for they lie entirely on your imagination~~and you will then gain ample space for yourself (for those that are important)."

That different things delights different people.

Another worth thing to note was the part where he tackled the irony of certain behavior and the importance of reading which is a neglected responsibility of many. Wherein reading is the source of wisdom that cures ignorance.

"You have not leisure or ability to read. But you have leisure to check arrogance".

Although, certain words are deep and jargon~ its necessary to be able to capture the essense of his thoughts during his era. The contemplation of certain events which must be according to the bounderies of nature. Stating that the sun doesn't take the work of the moon and vice versa. 

That each one of us are made for one another. That superior are made to compesate the inferiors. We must nurture each one or bear the agony of their ignorance which can be cease when we took the time to teach them.

"Men exist for the sake of one another. Teach them then or bear with them".

Lastly, he reminded everyone that life on earth is a short stay. If there are opportunities that you see bear the fruits of wisdom, do it. Do not be hindered by temporary pain and inconvenience. Make the best of your time and ability. 

We must remember that everyone will go through death and ignoring it wouldn't exempt us as it is already a fact of life.

"A brief existence is common to all things, and yet you avoid and pursue all things as if they would be internal."

....that man's life is only a moment.

This is a classic book that I would recommend. Going backwards to the centuries, you'll understand that this behaviors observed by Marcus are contiously being upheld up to this present.