So, with this The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck. Most Psychology student could benefit from this as certain wording and labelling came from core Psychology. He provide terms for certain behavior, explaining the essence and effect of acts in a whole therapy.
The most highlighted learning from him is the definition of Love.
'Love for him is all about effort. And that if we love something it is of value of us, and if something is of value to us we spend time with it, time enjoying it and time taking care of this.'
That the quality of time parents devote to their children indicate the degree to which they are valued by their parents. Meaning to say, you could perceive the value of yourself to that person by the response and attention he/she is giving to you.
'And that this feeling of being valuable is a corner stone of self dicipline. Because when one considers oneself valuable one will take care of oneself in all ways that necessary'~S.Peck
He also tackled that problems do not just go away. It should be dealt with or else it remains, and forever a barrier to the growth and development of your spirit.
The half of its discusses behavior and delayed gratification. Stating that choosing to suffer now in the hope of future gratification.
But if your the type of person whom not so fond of spiritual phenomenon and irritated on seeing divine explanation of events. Then, I must warn you to stop in the middle of it. He would inject god from time to time as another door of consideration. He provide the grace of openess to this factor as the foundation of his way of therapy. That there are certain patients whom successfuly gained their sanity by letting go of spiritual being and others benefited on accepting the divine grace in their own unique case.
He futher annotated that the reason people lie is to avoid the pain of challenge and its consequences.
All in all its a great book of wisdom. At the end of it you'll learn that in order to grow you must have the discipline and courage to endure pain. This is the process of development, pain and suffering is always the first obstacle we have to face. We should not be hindered by this natural cycle of being. There are people that on their entire life have been avoiding pain and wondered why they haven't develop the way that they've wanted.
I'll rate this 7 from 10.
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