If I where to run for Presidency why you should vote me?
I am on my early twenties but was glad enought that I've gotten the realization necessary to the President that everyone will want.
I came from a poor family who have made its way to where it is now. Its a long process of hardwork, patience, dicipline and perseverance but the focus where consistent to achieve what we all want.
I could say if you want something to happen, start in your mind first and unconsiously your body will follow. Opportunities are actually abundant but not all knows how to see it. Most of the time it is hiding on the not so appealing situation. You just need to unravel its mystery unfortunately some never pay attention to the first step of digging treasures.
At this time of the night, even I am abroad. I never let myself be out informed on the current events on the most hospitable country according so far to myself. Well, most of the news aren't appealing but mostly appalling. Why? As I remember during the candidacy of those on the fliers, tv's, radios, who has been exagerated to brag the capabilities they could do once the seat has been given to them seem out of voice now adays. Our system are still in chaos, I could see the citizens (including me) that public service has been consistenly unsatisfactory. The Government make us feel that their just doing a favor for us.
We have been awed by their false propagandas. They took advantage on our weaknesses. They think that we will be forever ignorant but today era ignorance is now a choice.
We deserve better. We have been working hard to secure food on our tables but how can we strive to shed our strength when most of our earnings would fall to taxes. In return of that taxes, the government will give us disruption of water, increased fees for electric bills, immovable traffic, crimes, slow justice system, poor public services, sub-standard infrastrature, corruption, poor project for education, low salaries for our manpower. We recently have taken new services, a dump side for other countries. We can't even fight for our own lands. Our dignity from other countries are on the lowest ranking. They ask for more qualificiations and documentation for our identity but some has the power to show off their nationality and would automatically receive all the perks that their country have put it.
Why does it has to be this way for us my countrymen? Most of the richmen in our country are naturalize Filipino's and the rest share the remaining asset that the rich have obtain. OFW go out the country because the goventment failed to provide opportunities for them.
They always say that people always blame the government. Who should we blame? The leader must help its people achieve its full potential and the people will reciprocate what the govenment has done for them.
How many promises have they already shattered?
"Leaders cannot repeatedly break trust with people and continue to influence them. It just doesn't happen."
We felt the struggle everyday. We go to work and there's a crime, we ride the bus and it colorum. We take that MRT and its broken. We drive home and there a jammed accident due to improper road lanes. We seek justice but it take years to get the results. We buy groceries but end up getting less due to taxes. We go to public places but it is not well maintained.
Those who have been massacred in Maguindanao, they just let us forget it but we dont. Injustices never die in our heart.
What about the recent donations of other countries? Have we felt it? Of course we dont. They're so queit about it.
The government has all the resources. They have the power to do what they want if they want it to happen. Excuses aren't acceptable as we value the result of immediate action. Blaming would also not help.
I challenge the President and everyone who are in power. Let us uplift our dignity. Let us make use of our intelligence and life for the betterment of everyone. Its us who will benefit from all of this.
They might laught at me and say you don't know what I am talking about. I know it. I have felt it. I am sharing the burden of everyone each day to keep our govenment together. We wake up early, travel to work, work hard, and at the have the priviledge to earn money. We share every cents to the government. Make us feel the hardwork that we do everyday. Keep us touched by the services you have for us. Never forget us.
The day you have pledged to be our leader, you have already accepted to give us your life. You have stood before us to be our representative. You are no longer a single person nor a family person but more than that. Lead us upfront and not crawl up from behind.
This is for you who read this. Wherever you are. We share the same burden.