Monday, March 31, 2014


People. If you want to get something. There's no such thing a waiting until the solution knocks on your door and say HI!. No one will save you from that deep hole but yourself. Yes! Yourself. You need to get up, search for the answers your longing to know. Stop poisoning your mind that Prince Charming is on his way to save you. No one will rescue and risk their life to save you. Its a fictional story which average people loves to hear.

Its so common that mediocre people always believe that someone is out there to catch them. You are the only person who is responsible and will always be on whatever desire you wish have. If your misery today, you chose be on that phase. You need to have a strong mind with the default idea that no one is there to save you.

I admire the people who do action on there beliefs. If you wanted to be a singer then sing. If you want to be a writer, you start to write. If you want to be rich, you need to start thinking rich. Every belief should have a combination of effort. If the other ingredient is not present, you end up having unpalatable result.

Most importantly, surrounds yourself with the right motivation. You wanted to be slim but you hang out with pot-bellied group. The best way to learn and be somebody is to be with that somebody who have been there and have attained that status. You want to be a writer, enroll yourself into a writing community where you can socialize with the real writers. Conciousness is contagious as they say. You need to guard that higher thinking with the right people.

Often I hear that the word independent is not just being on your own without the shadow of your parents. It is the state where the ideas are abundant. Its the thinking critically on the non obvious way. If you have a problem, always invibe this question: If I where Albert Einstein what would I do on this kind of situation? You can replace Albert Einstein to any person you look up to with a higher understanding of things.

Having the mindset that no one is there to save you but yourself is the power to sustain your leverage.
You start building yourself inside. Eventually, your behavior will be in default to move on her own way. You have nothing to loose.


Most of us has been raised that money comes through hard work. Well, I discover it wrong. If this was true then most construction workers should be millionaires. I have been working here in Dubai for more than six months, and even I'm earning a little high from the average person living in my home country I am still financially imprisoned. Good thing is, this will soon be over.

Its not on my plan to work forever. I have written myself a paycheck which I would surely gonna have in the next coming year. Having a high regard of thinking is my weapon of leverage. This should be the instrument for everyone who wish to get rich. Most of the mediocre people don't know how to get started and couldn't see that everything they needed is already infront of them.

Today is the best day to be right on track, if you have the desire to make things possible, you should start by liberating yourself. Having the attitude of the millionaires can be your stepping stone to unlimited opportunites. You just need to be creative. If you can spend time watching TV, you might want to spend it where you could gain more.

Have a self discovery of yourself. Not all information that society have thoughs us is right. Being rich is an inside job. Having the right attitude is the always the sure win to success. Ideas are abundant, it never runs out.

Ask yourself today. Do you have the right attitude to be successful?

Sunday, March 30, 2014


I make it a habit to read news about self discovery and all around it. It never occured to me that after just reading 80 pages of 224 leaves of book had drastically change my outlook in life in terms of money. This 80 pages had given me a different me. More of a high level thinking human being. We people always strive for the best but we lack on the process to execute our thoughs. We limit ourselves and compund on a single notion that culture has nurtured us. Time to get rid of that cocoon.

2 weeks before I had promised that I would like to take further study, in a matter of today. It changes that, not that I wouldn't pursue it anymore but would be striving for what is much important. I understand now, that we don't need to chase something to be our own instead invent a good strategy to come it to us. People are rich because of theyre RIGHT THINKING. This provide them the leverage which distinguishs the barrier of poor from rich.

Everyday, ask yourself 'what have you done to chase that dreams of yours? I keep on asking people here abroad this question; how many years have you been working?. Most answers are 3 to 11 years. And the sad thing about that, is they haven't change the way they get their money. They have invested all the years to earn a monthly paycheck and wasn't able to contemplate the question of; How can I move myself into a different phase? There would be a lot of questions in life which are still unanswered. We never had the idea to find the answers, until its to late.

Today, I am still me but in a high regarded state of thinking. I am happy that at this right age I had acquired different point of view with the right attitude. I recommend you today to ask yourself if your valuable time is on the right path of success.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

SCHOLARSHIPS: Why Scholarships shouldn't be exclusively to people who have achieved academic excellence

Why do scholarship programs are always requires good grades and academic excellence before they can be considered?

I''ll give you a point of view which is discriminating:

You see, many people aren't blessed to be surrounded by technologies or books to have an access to any possible information which can uplift their motivation. Let's take the story of Steve Jobs, we all know that he was been raised by foster parents who have adopted him and he grew up in a place where there is a lot of scrap for computers. Not all people have the same situation as him, most of them have no idea on what is knowledge and what would be like studying. They're out of idea of anything, which of course as they grew up we can anticipate that they will not seek further development as they where not expose to the value of education which for many is essential.

I myself is not a book lover nor had any great recognition in terms of studying. During elementary, I never had any motivation to study much harder aside that we are poor which they said it can make us rich. For me, studying is just a part of life which I need to go through like everybody else, so I just jive in the crowd. After finishing 6 years on elementary, here comes High School which will take 4 years. Well, my thoughts are like this on when I am high school freshman 'If I get a good grades my uncle would give me money and support me'. So the motivation for me is money not really schooling. Well, during the course I have receives some few recognition for the reason that I was motivated by that reward.

After finishing high school, I have no idea what college should I pick in and it never occurred to me that by choosing this specific degree could put me in things which will define my future. Choosing a university is a brick and mortar for me, I have chosen a school based on the money we are making and not because I really like it  nor very fond to do paperwork etc. In my mind, this is just the last requirement to proceed on life.

I've enrolled myself into Chemistry, which I have heard with my aunt who had taken the same coarse before. I never liked it and I was kicked out on the course as a result. As alternative, I have chosen another degree which is Psychology the nearest prerequisites which will also render 4 years. Well, I've enjoyed on this department. It was the most motivational professors and studies I had but I never had any idea to pursue further studies and indulge myself into more pressured deadlines of thesis.

I have shared my story to all of you because I was never excellent at studying. I don't have any medals or outstanding credentials to boast saying that I'm good and excellent, pick me up!. This motivation I have today is something I have discovered on my own. I really like to take master's degree or taught courses. I have done many ways to save some money because I don't have anything to show to be qualified for their high standard scholarships. I only have my persistence and determination. I have myself to prove that not all people who wish to apply to an scholarship should provide a credential of highest grade.

We have the wrong belief that we should have concrete evidence, to show who we are and what our capabilities. 

I hope that everyone could have an equal chance to have scholarships. Most of them can't even argue why should they should be given the chance. They are limited for a certain reason and we should teach them on the process why people should not be compromise by certain requirements.

Friday, March 28, 2014


I want to share something. Something I have though about just few minutes ago. Well it goes like this, how do you know if you dont like someone? not in a harsh way. I have a colleague or much better to say like an acquintance who is very nice which I consider to be part of my friend zoned list.

I'll give you some of my four way list to know if you dont like someone, then just confirm it on your own mind:

#1 You don't care about him

#2 You don't care if he/she exist which sounds very like no. 1

#3 You can manage not to reply to his/her messages even you have a load or internet connection and will just reply a few days when your conscience hunts you down.

#4 Read it all again and asked yourself.

I thinks thats it. It very short and you could manage to remember it. Just to your friends if they are having seconds thought about some person. 


I keep on saying I dont want to eat and I want to start loosing some fats but I keep on gaining weight. Damn! I know that I should do some action to it but I can't. How can you loose weight if your sister and mom keep on cooking delicious food which ofcourse you couldn't or you wouldn't want to resist for the fact that its yummy and we are all living in the same flat. Hows that?

If you will suggest that I should move out and find a place somewhere that is totally not gonna happen. And if you would push me harder to do some sweats and start running around I wouldn't be able to commit on writing my blogs because I would be ending up very tired which will make me go to sleep, straight.  Oh wow, why I am overthinking and talking to myself now? Well, kids. The good things about the future is that we dont know whats gonna happen to us or what place would we end up but if we start to do something great today it might lead us to something great too. But as I've said it again, we don't know the future.

Just some random thoughts for tonigth. I hope you dont find me that crazy and you would still stick around, reading this ruleofmouth thingy. x


So today is Friday 2014, which means it's the time for people like me to relax after a long 6 days of a hell work. Actually, this day I dont have any plans of going out. Also, I didn't even take a bath today which I know you wouldn't care anyway.

Early morning, we've been woke up by a phone call, it was a call from a stranger buyer. My sister was selling our huge queen double deck bed online because it's too big and we're just two & a half (Me, Mom & little cute kid) whose sleeping on that big metal thing. So much to that, I was annoyed to be woke up by a unknown caller. Whose on earth would have called at 9am knowing that its holiday which basically means that all the people stayed late Thursday night so they're still pretty sober to get some more sleep and would probably gonna woke up late on Friday. is in it?

Since I am pretty much awake to that phone call, might as well woke myself up more. What I did next is I grabbed my aunt's laptop which is just beside me and resumed watching HIMYM. While mom checked in her skype then start skyping with my other sister and her little handsome boy all the way in PH which is basically my nephew to make everyhing short.

Suddenly, my sister out of nowhere quipped a non sense deal  for me where I need to choose between cleaning up a bathroom or the bedroom. Guess ..what did I pick? .. The bathroom of coarse lol. Our bathroom is not so bad to clean, for my biased perception it is much cleaner than my bed but not anymore since its all cleaned up now. So there it is, the bathroom is so awesome now because of me while my Sis cleaned up the whole bedroom like a wind.

After the whole cleaning up, I started to feel hungry. I've scavenged the grocery plastic hanging up next to the dish rack and was lucky enough to ran into a cute little sneaker bar underneath the whole biscuits. AWESOME!

After fueling up, I went to bed again and continued watching the HIMYM. Oh god I'm still on season 2 which it doesn't matter. Owing to the fact that I'm so loving Barney Stinson since episode 1, he is ... LEGEN.. wait for it ... wait for it ..DARY!!!! (See how I even copied his lines now, I was been swarly infected which I'm happy to know)

This is Friday for me. For some I may sound boring but I dont care, I kinda like it. The fact that I am with my Family, I have seen my sis & nephew on Skype, I was able to cleaned up the bathroom which I'm also using but doesn't care to much to clean it but I did, today. Then the best thing of all, I was able to catch up with HIMYM with few more episodes needed to be done to get that season 3 ugh. Please no spoilers! I've seen to much.

How's your Friday everyone? You can comment on anything on what experience you had on Fridays. x

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Recently, I had a heated conversation with one of my collegues. It made me angry and even cursed her to death for being a female asshole. It was a terrible feeling having to work with someone who you completely wish to dissappear. To be honest, I felt more stressed and burden having to think of her everyday.

I understand that stress in the workplace is part of the contract which we all need to deal with later on. At this moment, I have figured out that its not worth it for me to feel exasperated because of that one person nor even ruin my astonishing days thinking about her. 

Instead, I divuldged myself into reading which is the equivalent of meditation for me. I felt positive again and was able to think beyond that hatred. Although this is not the first time I had fought with someone it made me realize to do a self psychology on how to be compassionate for those people I hate the most or for that certain moment. 

Yes, we can be compassionate to them. We just need to try harder, and we should not make that hatred the centre of our vision but ourself. I want to share with you what I've read which have the same point of view on my situation.

Hate is a miserable, tiring, trying, debilitating thing.  It will cripple your mind and ruin your potential.  

I try not to hate.  But I do get angry at people. This is how I deal with it.  I call it The Drilldown Method.
I ask myself why I am angry at this person.  Then I ask myself whythat is the case.  Then again. And again…
I keep drilling down until I get to the most fundamental driver of my anger.   

Usually has something to do with how this person is making me feel, not related to who they actually are.  I get angry because I’m protecting something about myself that is weak or underdeveloped. I’m afraid. 

If I address my fear and fix it, then who cares about hating someone?  Not me.  Not worth it. 

Here is an example: 
Let’s say I’m mad at someone for writing bad things about me.  I might get really angry and that might lead to hate.   
Commence Drill Down:
I ask myself, Why am I angry at this person or even hate them? Because they are being a jerk.  But why does that bother me? Because they are judging me for no reason.  But why does that bother me? Because they think what I write is crap.  But why does that bother me?  Because…what if they are right?!   
Oh my goodness, I’m insecure and this trigged my insecurity, and THAT is what I need to get over. Because if I’m not insecure, then I would see such comments and the person who wrote them as thoughtful advice (or bullshit.)  But not as someone worth hating.  Certainly not.
Does that mean that I want to be this person’s best friend?  No. Does it mean I condone or appreciate everything about them?  No.  It just means that I don’t hate them. 
Getting to compassion is harder.  It comes over time, you cannot will yourself to be completely compassionate but you can start by acting compassionate.  I find that once I remove the anger (or hate) I start to see more positive aspects of this person and things that  might have shaped their opinions.  Then compassion develops on its own.
  -Ellen Vrana
As of now, we haven't talked to clear everything out but unlike before it doesn't bother me anymore. I was able to make small conversation  to her about work although I can see that she still carrying the grudge out of me. I can't help her with that because this is something to be discovered on her own but I can always give my compassion her.  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Today, I dedicate this blog to my dear friend.

She is going through an unexplainable stage of emotion right now. I may never understand her feelings nor even interpret how would be in her shoes. There wouldn't be any books or drugs I wish I could share to keep her unsusceptble to that heartsick feeling which I called 'forgettting motherfvckers'. I undestand that its very hard to let go of that attachement, the good memories, that look in his eyes and the thoughs that someone is caring for you. You just need to go on to that stage, endure it until you no longer feel anything. Crying is a good catharsis. Pain is what makes us human. I know that nobody is good at closure and there woulnd't be any way to make things as easy as possible. 

I have all the confidence that YOU CAN ALWAYS WIN ON THIS. You will always have my support and unconditonal love that you can count on. The best is yet to come for you. x


The social-media world gave everyone a voice but that doesn't mean that everyone who is using their voice is in their right mind, or has any sense of manners. 

Netizen's should have social responsibility on whatever they post online.


Train is a common transport consisting of rail track to transport cargo or passengers. In today 20th Century the train had become part of daily transport for everyone. It connects you to wherever places you would want to travel but it’s limited to a certain point. I myself have benefited a lot on this transport so it’s time to share what are some of the busiest metro station around the globe:

Tokyo, Japan Metro

                The Shinjuku Station caters 3.5 million passing through its doors every day -- 3.16 billion annual passengers ride. This is the busiest train station in terms of passenger quantity. 

Gare du Nord, France

Serving around 180 million travellers each year—Europe’s busiest railway station by total passenger numbers. 

Moscow, Russia Metro

Credits goes to owner

Moscow is the capital of Russia, and about 6.6 million people they receive daily.

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul metropolitan subway has been described as the world’s longest multi- operator metro system by route length –BBC nicknamed it as “super highway.

Dubai, UAE

The Dubai Metro is a drive less, fully automated metro rail network in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. It carried 10 million passengers from launch on 9 September 2009. Guinness book of Records has declared Dubai Metro as the world’s longest fully automated metro network spanning at 75 kilometers. 

Manila Light Rail Transit, Philippines

Popularly known as LRT. This overcrowding and poor maintenance but quick and inexpensive  train ride, serves 2.1 million passengers each day. Most people are taking the train to avoid congested and heavy traffic due to ongoing road renovation. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I am a certifide addict in waching TV series. I dont know what trick they did to me or dark magic etcetera but they can keep me thinking on whats gonna happen next? Damn, the story is so good, I could live in days thinking about it and saying it in a typical conversation at work. Now, what I'm trying to point out is that why people are hooking up on it? What things they could get from them?


People wanted to see something they could actually do. They copied them and apply to their problems or situation. It helps them at a certain point that we could never explain. I completely understand that what you see on TV is what the writers would want you to see. But we people are insane, we have this 'what if' thing i.e. what if I do what Barney of (HIMYM) do. We take the chance that we ould apply this and it would work beause of the word called HOPE. 

I've seen a post saying that 'we are born and then we die but in the middle of it, we could do whatever we wanted.' The good thing about life is we never knew what's gonna happen in the future, we are doing things because we hope that what we are doing right now could lead us to something. You may have heard the movie lines that 'we are infinite' and 'we aceppt the love we think we deserve.' It is music in our ears it the best lines that describe a certain feelings we coundn't put into words. 

Movies and TV Series are a work of art of many great ideas. It can describe the things we would want to happen or would wish we could have. It takes us to a different dimension and reality which makes us feel greatful. I have seen a lot of Series like The Blacklist, The House of Cards, The Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black, How I met your Mother, The White Collar, Suits and many more.The reason why I'm watching them is that I have seen a connection from the story into my real life. It gives me inspiration that what we normally wanted could be something more than that. Its also one of our way to show what we feeli inside that we couldn't let out -- in psyhology we call it 'catharsis' which denotes the feeling of releasing, providing relief from,strong or repressed emotion.

It is an open book, it gives you the opportunity to see what  kind of dimension life would take us. Its a unique feeling where you couldn't determine the balance of your sanity

Monday, March 24, 2014


How many more lives do they need to take before our retard government or specifically the LTRFB would take an action to this routine accident? Now every day I repeatedly see news associated to worn-out buses, over speeding & dead people. It became worst each day. And the sad things about all of us are we are more interested on where would be the honey moon of the newly wed Yael & Karylle.

The problems are not only with the buses, its drivers, the owner or corporation who runs them but the entire society. I will elaborate how the accident had happened:

#1 If the government had implemented strict and systematized rules within the road ways. There wouldn't be any news about road accidents.

#2 If the lower house of representatives on each provinces or cities had made precautionary road sign and didn't corrupted the budget for road modification and extensions. There wouldn't be any news about road accidents.

#3 If the office of LTRFB, LTO or any small body who have given the power to provide licenses to its residents to drive have provided thorough tests and informative seminars in line with the motorists, passenger and things that should take in mind while on the road.

#4 If DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) or SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) would have been very keen on issuing a certificate of registration for the business under the category of Transportation. There wouldn’t be any news about road accidents.

#5 If only LTRFB checked meticulously all the registered vehicles buses if they are qualified for utility for public use before allowing to get on roads. There wouldn't be any news about road accidents.

#6 If only road officer would have the dignity of honor not to take any bribes from any felonies. There wouldn't be any news about road accidents.

#6 If we people would just follow the pedestrian lane which has been made and been funded for road safety. There wouldn't be any news about road accidents.

The problem why we have road accidents is because of US, not just by one person or the government. People are dying because of our carelessness. We are given rules for our safety and we don’t follow them, we then bargain the fault to the authorities and whoever we see on TV that’s the reason why we watched same news and stories over and over again.


Sunday, March 23, 2014


Do you have misunderstanding with anyone? What did you do to resolve it? Are you like everybody that go straight to friends to tell what happen and ask what you should do? Well, I assure you that you wouldn't like the result of that advice. 

The only issue in human relationships is that we ask the society to help us, instead of asking each other. This breaks so so many relationships.

If you want to find out the truth why on earth he/she did that ask that person directly with the proper emotion of understanding & calmness. In that way you can protect what you have build for years.


Do you have instagram? If not yet then you dont have too. What currently trending is the famous arm pit full of bushes of non other than the prominent Madonna. This would stop you breathing for a second knowing that she publicly posted a picture that should be kept personal.

The famous Arm pit
We are in shock because we're used to see her in a perfect shape, polished and in completely beautiful apperance. That there wouldn't be any flaws or displeasing feature we could ever imagine to her welll WE ARE ALL WRONG. She can be like us, she is us; whose every month grows hair on under arms. There is nothing wrong with the picture, its how people put into their mind.

Most of us are infected with the so called 'external beauty' that we resort in utilizing whitening cream, soap, dyed our hair just to fit in. Sometimes try to be vulnerable for you to see who have that openness to accept you whoever the hell you are.

Not everybody have a good skin, perfect nose, long legged build or beautiful voice. So what if we don't have those assets, are we a less person now because we are not equipped with what soceity tell us to have? This what most of the people hasn't realize yet. Now show that arm pit of yours, it grew on her own right. You didn't like it of course because tv commercial says women have smooth underarm. You are born not to fit in but to be you, the normal one.

Now, MADONNA I salute you for being brave women knowing that there are alot of fickle minded that will belittle you and would rush to comment on how bad that hair is growing. You didn't care of any status you have in the society. It didn't killed me obviously but it teaches me that you are also human being just like us who express freely whatever we feel. #EXPRESS YOURSELF 1989


You are almost there.  After 4 years of being terrified from professors, nights where you don’t have enough sleep because you have an exam the next day, submit projects, long quizzes, reports, those algorithms you hated the most with matching scientific notion called Physics and lastly the dissertation thesis you need to deliver  & debate to be on the marching band of graduating students. It’s all worth it.

Those classmates you have consider as friends, into best friends and forever friends. The professors whom have a different point of view in life, some would be generous while others are completely dungeon. There’s also a period where you will remember the security guards, the policy and the remarkable foundation days. The nearby cafeteria and malls around the university. The Walls and that ROTC or CWAT's you had experienced. Those crushes you have around and the maintaining grade that almost kicked you out. You will miss them.

Your college administrators. You need to be phony sometimes to get some good answers from them. The toilets that kill your nostrils. The Air-conditioned rooms you wished you have in every subject. The Library you seldom visit. Everyone who is part of the university and your life-- you will miss them.

Now, the days you are in college are counted. You must enjoy it. Take as many pictures as you can because I dare you that you completely will miss it.

After this, another era will be introduced to you ---the reality of the world. WORK.

Congratulations to everyone who made it! YOU DESERVE IT. 


Being single has its perks and being in a relationship is another story. Let me share you some experiences I had being single. Single doesn’t always mean you’re alone and nobody cares. Being Single is an opportunity to explore wide horizon and knowing things on your own. You could also consider it as being independent.

 Most people think that a person is single because he/she is ugly but this is something beyond that. We are Single because we know that we are not yet ready to take that ‘in a relationship’ status. I often heard a lot of love story end up pretty bad whereas every so often I would see stories which turn out into getting married happily which is I’m looking forward for myself later on.  

I am a complicated person; I think most of us do. I would want to see how I make things on my own, though it would be nice to have someone beside me cuddling and saying you can do it. Yes, the thought of having someone is comforting but not the case for me. I have a lot to work on, and I don’t have enough baggage to have someone at the moment. It may sound cruel but I’m still building my castle and it would be great to find my prince charming on the process – a slow motion man walking towards you with his eyes reflecting your face and suddenly kiss you.  

Here is some of the hilarious scenario I found on web  being single:
“When you went to a buffet restaurant alone, you went to the toilet for a while. After you came back, all the plates, fork and knife have been taken away by the waiter....
 “Fasten all the back zips of the dresses by yourself
 “All the photos in your album are about scenery

You can also share some of the hilarious moment you had being single.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Have you heard about TED TALKS?

I'm sure you do, it's everywhere. If not yet, you must not decline the opportunity to know him.

Here’s why:

You would see a lot of shared topics about TED spreaded online  but had no idea who is TED?

Well, TED is not a person it is a global conference event that talks about great ideas and profound insight that are worth sharing. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design which has been founded in 1984.

There mission statements begin on this:

                      We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other.

Here are some of my favorite quotes that struck me from the speakers from TED.

‘The fallacy behind the notion that to achieve happiness, one must get what they want. He uses psychology and neuroscience to explain that what we think makes us happy is, oftentimes, flat out wrong.  
“Natural happiness is what we get when we get what we wanted, and synthetic happiness is what we make when we don’t get what we wanted. In our society, we have a strong belief that synthetic happiness is of an inferior kind.” - Psychologist Dan Gilbert  

Believes that instead of labeling a select few people as a genius, we all have something in us that is genius. 
-       Elizabeth Gilbert  

“You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging."-Brené Brown  

Emotion – There are 6,000 emotions in the English language. We experience less than 12 emotions. What would you do if you had 6 days to live?-Tony Robbins 

"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original", Ken Robinson says.  

TED itself is not just a gathering, their core value is to shape and deliver ideas that motivate human beings to a different outlook and understanding.
Now, take a deep breath and always keep yourself updated on TED.

Friday, March 21, 2014


You time is not forever don't waste it


Everyone here is writing that "it's never too late" but that is not the attitude you want or need. Fear is your friend. Fear will make you get up in the morning and work hard, learn things, and all around be better than you are now.

You are probably where you are now (nowhere) because you weren't afraid. You thought to yourself: I'm young, I can afford to take it easy, I'll worry about my life tomorrow.

Well tomorrow has come and gone. If you start working harder, longer, and smarter every day from now until you die, you *might* catch up to your potential. You've wasted enough time. Get your act together. Treat every day like it is the last day you have to prove yourself. Be so afraid of failure that you will do whatever it takes to succeed.

True, Ray Kroc discovered McDonalds when he was 52. But before that, he spent 17 years as a milkshake salesman studying restaurant efficiency (his milkshake machines made 5 milkshakes at a time). Before that he worked for room and board at a restaurant to learn the business.

How many people walked into the original McDonalds restaurant and bought a hamburger and never had the slightest inkling that this was a business that could make billions? Ray Kroc knew because he had spent his entire adult life studying restaurants and efficiency.

It will take you 2 years before you start to see results. 5 before you have accumulated any real sustainable momentum in your life.

So make a commitment NOW not to waste any time for 2 years. No vacations. Don't buy stupid stuff. Work harder than you've ever worked in your life.

Excerp from Aaleem Jiwa


May this awaken you from the reality that today is the best opportunity to replenish the years you have wasted. 


As it is typical in Economics and life, the scarcity rules. If something is scarce, provide it. If people don't know that it's scarce, then invent it; make it scarce. Moreover, One of the best ways to stay true to that idea is by seizing the 80-20 rule to focus on the 20 percent of efforts that yields 80 percent of the results (or revenue in many cases).


Listen to Jon Davis, Marine Corps as why;

Not really. I am basing this on years of weapons and self-defense training. Let me explain...

First off a personal reference. I spent a few years in the Marine Corps as a weapons instructor. I trained hundreds in the use of standard issue rifles and pistols. I also have a black belt and trained a great deal with the Marine Corps martial arts program. The reason that this is valuable is that it gave me a great deal of insight on the nature of self-defense and weapons.

Now as far as home defense goes, you need to consider several factors. 

1) A gun will only be used about .00002% of the time that you own it.

You will be keeping and storing this weapon the whole time you own it, even though you might get attacked once or twice in a lifetime. The problem with this is that at any point something with the stored weapon could go wrong, such as losing pieces or unwanted people getting into your weapon. Granted it's hard for a pieces to suddenly go missing, but it isn't difficult for curious children to explore.

Second, recent surveys have shown that household members were only present in about 27% of cases of break-in. You are much more likely to have a burglar take the gun from under your bed while you are at work or on vacation than to actually arrive when you are present. Think about it, if you were to rob someone, why not take your time and not get caught.

2) Weapons are actually difficult to use.

(This is a shotgun, a good choice in home defense. You need to understand each piece and how it fits together as well as how to strip, clean, inspect, lubricate and reassemble the weapon. Good luck, you should only need the one shot.)

Weapons like a gun have many pieces that have to be regularly maintained. You need to have training into how to take care of your gun. This doesn't have to be in depth, but a person does have to research the information of the weapon. They have to know how to adjust the sights and zero their rifles. They need to know how to dissemble and clean their bolt or inspect their firing pins for imperfections. It takes time to figure out all this and is a lot easier to screw it up than to get it right. And if you don't get it right the weapon might not work or even get you hurt as the burglar laughs at you.

(In case you were wondering, this isn't a demonstration of how they "curved the bullet".)

3) Guns don't shoot themselves.

I know that if you have ever seen a movie you know how to shoot, right? No. It is actually very difficult to learn how to shoot and hit the thing you are aiming at. You have to understand how the weapon's sights work. You have to learn how to focus on only the sights while placing it in front of your target, without ever looking directly at the target. If you think that not focusing on the target makes no sense then you're more of a danger to yourself than to the bad guys. In any case, learning how to accurately fire the weapon is very difficult and takes a great deal of time to master. If you ever want to get a weapon you need a great deal of professional education in one-on-one training in controlling your weapon and placing your shots where you intend them to go. This absolutely isn't something you can teach yourself or your cousin Billy Bob can teach as you shoot stuff down by the river. You will only develop bad habits that will do you no good when you need it. Also, turning the weapon sideways doesn't help, at all.

(If you're curious you should check out the question Why do gangsters hold their guns sideways? for some interesting theories on why people do this, besides that they have never been trained.) 

I have been trained by the best weapons instructors in the United States Marine Corps. I've literally shot thousands of rounds from several different weapons systems and even in a completely stress free environment; a nice indoor range with my family just practicing, and I still don't always hit where I want to. If you have never fired before then how well do you think you are going to do when you really need it?

(Heads up: This is going to end badly.)

4) Emergencies never happen in the way that you can be prepared for.

I know that many people get hyped up with stories of dangerous encounters like someone breaking in at night, but this doesn't happen as much as you would think. Some things to consider, there is more than one guy, the guy could be a child, the guy has a bigger gun, the guy attacks outside when you are in the city, the guy comes in the day when you are gone (and you just gave him a gun.)

The point is that you can't say that you will be prepared and safe because you have a gun. You never know what you might be facing. You will be able to hedge your defenses much better if you instead invest in a very good security system. It will scare away predators under most situations, call for backup from police and help give you peace of mind even if you aren't home or suck at shooting.

"If I only had my gun this would never have happened!"

5) Guns are dangerous by design.

Shocker right? I know if you are reading this it makes it seem a bit patronizing. If you are considering a gun at home you need to think about the fact that at any point, it is always a gun. There is no safety that can't be overcome, by a six year old. This stuff does happen. 

In another horrifying scenario, what if you are disarmed because you aren't ready to use the weapon. What if you run into this guy?

Now your weapon is his weapon, and you are worse off than if you just got a dog. What you can do is buy yourself a weapon with special biometric locks, but they're expensive and rare. You could buy a gun safe and gun locks and all sorts of other things. These are great, but if you haven't noticed, you will be fumbling and stumbling around in the middle of the night making noise and unable to even get the thing that is supposed to save you in the first place. These are things that take a great deal of time when you should be on the phone to the police anyway.

(Yes, it's still dangerous, yet adorable.)

***) You shouldn't ever "carry" a weapon for personal self defense.

As a side note, I also have a serious grievance with those who think that they can use a weapon for personal self defense outside the home. The fact is that if you are considering carrying a weapon in your pocket or purse, you are literally endangering everyone around you with virtually no chance of being of any use to anyone. First, a weapon that is not holstered is one of the most dangerous things a person can do to those around them. There are many ways that a weapon floating around can go off. If you carry one like this, I hate you. You're going to hurt someone. Secondly, please imagine a time when you might need the weapon.

 A robber comes up to you late at night beside your car. He pulls a knife and demands your purse with your car keys.
 "Oh hold on just a second and let me find my gun."
...a few seconds go by...
"I'm serious, I am robbing you."
"I know, I know. Just give me a second. I know it is over here somewhere."
... a few more seconds pass...
"You see that I have a knife right?"
"Just be patient."
"I'm truly sorry, but I really must be going. I'll be taking your purse now."
"Oh, just one more second!"
He takes the purse and steals your car. Then as you stand there contemplating how the gun should have solved your problem, the robber rolls down your window and throws your gun out to mock you. You hear Janie's Got a Gun playing on your radio and reflect on the song's irony and how this didn't play out the way you thought it would.


As a final note, if everything goes perfectly right, you might just have to kill someone.

The idea that you can bluff your way out of situation is not a good tactic, especially if you are dealing with someone truly violent. If you have a gun it needs to be for the purpose of killing someone when the need comes. If they view that their future lies in keeping you quiet, or if they feel that their life is being threatened (by your gun) they may attack you. In that case you will have to be able to kill him. There is no "shoot the knife out his hand or shoot him in the leg stuff." It sounds nice, but you will be lucky to hit him in the chest like you're supposed to (see point #3).  Do a self analysis and ask could I deal with killing someone, even if they are going to steal my stuff or hurt my family. Yeah your first response is easy to say "You bet I would," but would you really? I have been to Iraq twice and have had to think long and hard about what would it be like if I had to kill someone. Could I live with myself? Could I look at my wife again? I saw it in many of the other Marines who had. It is a traumatic experience that changes a person. If you really think you can't do that, figure out a strategy you can honestly deal with without a moral breakdown. To add to your moral dilemma, according to Bureau of Justice statistics, you should also know that offenders were known to their victims in 65% of these cases. After thinking that about your target being your brother, cousin, friend or neighbor please ask these questions again.

What should you do?

My advice is that you think about prevention. It sounds cliché, but statistics support this. Of the break-ins that occurred about a third happened because of an open or unlocked door or window. Installing a security system also makes you about 300% safer as it hardens the target for burglars and scares away most when the alarm goes off before any people or property can be damaged. A good one can even send in the police when a break-in occurs. In this case the best defense is actually a good defense.

I know that questions like this are often asked out of fear. People want to have a great deal of control over their situation, but when others put you in danger you can almost always never get it back. The best bet is to rationally consider your options before a situation occurs. 

The odd thing is I actually support gun ownership. I agree with the purpose of the second amendment and have a few myself. I enjoy them and like to go to the range to practice the art, but I doubt I will ever need to use them. Most of my motives for this post, like I have said, is that I really don't think people think about all that goes into the reality of weapons. I don't think people who are afraid really consider the better defensive options to guns. I don't think that they do the proper research and put in the time to practice, give respect to the safety rules, take proper care of their weapons or put enough effort into making sure the wrong people don't use them. I don't think they have the ability to protect themselves in such a case as this question and do think they would probably be putting themselves or others they love in danger.

Excerpt from Jon Davis, Marine Corps