Wednesday, April 9, 2014


If you don't design you own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
-Jim Rohn

Do you have that multi-million idea that other might think rubbish and stupid? Why don’t you give it a shot? You might not know, this could turn you into the 1% population of the Famous & Rich.

Let go on to the money matter.  Money is the face value of exchange, for things we would wish to acquire. If you have a lot of money you could always demand for a better services and opportunities. As I've mention from my last blog. Money comes from ideas and Ideas are limitless which means that acquiring money is limitless.

For an average person mindset, most of them will think that money comes from work. Well, I will tell you that it’s wrong.  If you could track down rich people in the whole world, their money comes from their great ideas and then exchange it with money.

Let me give some concrete example, Bill Gates created Microsoft and people are so into it that their willing to pay in exchange of having the software. On the other hand, Steve Jobs established the Apple, an empire that influence and change the history of technology which in return almost all nation are an avid consumer including me. I am willing to pay AED 2700 in exchange to his idea, an iPhone 5s.

So as early as today, do you have that idea which the market is willing to pay you? You don’t need to start big. If you’re thinking of franchising a successful restaurant or services, you might want to slow down a little bit. Look everywhere around you, is there something missing that if you could create could turn out into a money making machine?

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