Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I will share the greatest lesson I've learn thought out my 21 years here on Earth.

When I was a child I have a great curiosity of things which is normal to everyone.
I tried to put bubble gum inside my nostrils that could nearly kill me.

Lesson learned: I've learned that even your most favorite food could kill you.

Me and my cousin planned to take a bath in front of the cabinet mirror on own two story house.
We dragged the entire basin full of water upstairs and started pouring ourselves in front of the old cabinet mirror while laughing. My Aunt was sleeping downstairs and felt the water running through her face. She trailed the water and saw us in shock that all the furniture has been washed.

Lesson learned: I've learned that even how cheerful you are on that moment when you disrupt someone sleeping could end your butt in hasty red.

I was a fan of Games of Thrones and watched the whole season three in 4 days without taking a bath.

Lesson Learned: Not all that smells bad look bad.

During interview for my internship I used to be a smart ass. I don’t want to ask stranger because they might know that I’m lost and they could get an advantage of that.

Lesson Learned: Learn to ask question, nobody was born knowing all things.

There are nights where I stayed very late to play computer games. When I hear my mom’s footsteps, I rushed to turn off the PC and act like sleeping.  She went to the electrical switch to turn of the whole electricity. I end up completely sleeping.

Lesson Learned: Some people know you better than you do.

To be continued...

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